서경대학교 학생상담센터

상담소 포스터-001 (3).jpg

   From 2023, all international students enrolled at SeoKyeong University can receive individual counseling, also known as individual therapy, at Counseling Center. This service is designed to assist students with a range of personal concerns, including -but not limited to- personality, emotional issues(depression or anxiety), relationships, cultural issues and habits. Additionally, this service is available to students free of charge.


   Individual counseling service provides 12 one-to-one sessions, 50 minutes per session. This service is intended to provide a supportive and confidential environment for students to explore and address their personal issues.

▶ To make an appointment, please access the link below and complete the requisite form.

    Or you can call to the office (02-940-7607) 

: https://forms.gle/E4YzBEX5ThT4sHVP8

After you submit the form, a counselor will subsequently reach out to you with additional  information. 

If you have any question or need any help, feel free to contact us.

 Contact info
- Office: 02-940-7607

- E-mail: counsel@skuniv.ac.kr



2023. 04. 03.



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